Produkt Informationen
Artikelnummer: FanMagazin-B-0736-Things400E Categories: BEATLES THINGS DEUTSCH, Fan-Magazine, Magazin BEATLES THINGS, sonstige Magazine, weitere Magazine etc.5,00 € – 8,50 €
inkl. MwSt. Kostenloser Versand
for June 2024 / für Juni 2024:
size A5 / 40 pages / written in English.
Format A5 / 40 Seiten / englischsprachig.
Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
for 4,50 € (incl. shipping): Normal single orders of the THINGS issue noted below will always be sent as a „postal distribution item“ with the issue that is published next (so it may take a while) – and will then be free of postage for you.
for 6 € (incl. shipping): Fast individual delivery is of course possible for an additional charge of € 1.50 (= postage for letter post). If this is the case, please indicate this in the note and transfer 6 €.
for June 2024: Magazine BEATLES THINGSENGLISH 400
Second issue of two for June 2024 / Zweite Ausgabe von zwei für Juni 2024
4,50 € incl. shipping within Germany / 5,00 € incl. shipping to all other countries
Editor: Beatles Museum, Germany.
Magazine / size A5-Format / 40 pages / many colour and black and white photos / English language.
Main topics (at least one page):
NEWS & THIS & THAT – short infos: Important events and releases. /// IT WAS MANY YEARS AGO: A HARD DAY’S NIGHT – part 2. /// NEWS & THIS & THAT: Three RINGO STARR cassette tapes auctioned. / Song Primrose Hill by JAMES McCARTNEY and SEAN ONO LENNON. / THE ROLLING STONES rehearse for US tour – partly with PAUL McCARTNEY. / Album DREAMERS IN THE FIELD also with DHANI HARRISON. / 1972 WINGS tour bus restored, repainted and auctioned. / Original film LET IT BE from 1970 is released on Disney+. / Memorial plaque at the birthplace house of GEORGE HARRISON. / Preview of BEATLES THINGS 401: Premiere of BEATLES film A HARD DAY’S NIGHT.
Complete content:
COVER PHOTO: Photos/logo from streaming film LET IT BE.
NEWS & THIS & THAT – short info: important events and releases.
Page half past three: The three old show cases in the Beatles Museum.
Imprint: Infos about the Beatles Museum and THINGS.
Hello M.B.M., all those years ago.
IT WAS 60 YEARS AGO – June 1964: Report by Andreas Müller, M.B.M.: June, July 1964: Albums A HARD DAY’S NIGHT – part 2: Soundtrack album A HARD DAY’S NIGHT in USA / Third Beatles album, A HARD DAY’S NIGHT, in Great Britain / January 1964 / February 1964 / March 1964 / April 1964 / May 1964 / June 1964 / train music.
NEWS & THIS & THAT with reviews: Three RINGO STARR cassette tapes auctioned. / Lennon/McCartney song Primrose Hill however, by JAMES McCARTNEY and SEAN ONO LENNON. / THE ROLLING STONES rehearse for US tour – partly with PAUL McCARTNEY. / Album DREAMERS IN THE FIELD also with DHANI HARRISON. / 1972 WINGS tour bus restored, repainted and auctioned, the WINGS OVER EUROPE bus chronology. / Original film LET IT BE from 1970 is released on the Disney+ streaming service. / Memorial plaque at the birthplace house of GEORGE HARRISON. / Preview of BEATLES THINGS 401: Premiere of BEATLES film A HARD DAY’S NIGHT.
Zusätzliche Informationen
Gewicht | 1 kg |
Wert | THINGS as extra letter, THINGS free delivery |
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